
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hanging with the Teeny Greenies

I've been hanging out in a hilarious place I've just stumbled across this afternoon - Greenie's Home!

I've always wondered what the world look like from the perspective of my cats and this fantastic place gives me a pretty good idea. It's a studio apartment where everything is scaled waaaaay up, and it's being over-run by very curious (and very cute) little green aliens.

I love the decor in this place - it's so retro and very similar my childhood home, right down to the avocado cupboards and sunflower wallpaper! And I can even crawl around under the sink just like I did when I was a kid. Awesome.

I've just started exploring Greenie's Home. I'm sure there's much more to see but I just had to share it with you. It's sooooo made my day! :)

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