
Friday, November 20, 2009

Insilico Cyber City

I'm so in love with this gorgeous Cyberpunk-inspired cityscape - Insilico. It's an environment filled with gorgeous futuristic towers and buildings on a world that is forever shrouded in grey twilight and fog. It's a role-play sim with it's own community and back story - and the landing area is surrounded by shops where you can outfit your avatar in the appropriate cyber-punk attire and weapons. I'm a huge fan of the movie Blade Runner and this amazing build reminds me so much of the stunning production design of that film.

I have yet to get involved in any role-play in Second Life. Maybe I just don't have enough imagination - but on the other hand what I love about SL is that it is free of any restrictive story-lines or roles - I can just wander and explore to my heart's content. Getting caught up in a bunch of rules and restrictions doesn't appeal, but I can see how it would be fun to step into a character in this gorgeous sci-fi setting and meet other players in this way.

I don't feel too out-of-place in my new Superman outfit here, but it's not quite the correct genre. I really should be wearing more bulky body armour, lots of belts and pouches, a cybernetic replacement limb or two, some giant boots and a selection of weapons if I really want to fit in - all of which are for sale in the retail area of Insilco.

...But it does still make a great back-drop for my new costume! lol!

This outfit is actually a Superboy costume, based on the original outfit that the current DC Comics Superboy (who is young clone of Superman) wore before he switched to a less colourful jeans and t-shirt ensemble. It's available at Heroic Life, which makes some of my favourite super hero costumes that I've seen so far in Second Life. Plus, they make some un-branded bodysuits and accessories that you can combine to create a super hero of your own - very cool stuff! 

The creativity and stunning artistry of Insilico and Heroic Life are everything that I love about Second Life!

Location:  Insilico City
Outfit: Heroic Life Superboy Costume. 350L
Boots:  Edge Graffica 31-Engineer Boots 1L!
Eyes: .: Kunstkammer Demonia Eyes - white 40L

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